Sponsor a Child

What Is a Sponsorship?

A sponsorship provides tuition assistance for a child to attend Hands for Jesus Christian School in Guaimaca, Honduras.   Only the most underprivileged children are eligible for sponsorship.

How Much Does This Cost?

You can choose to sponsor a child for any amount.  Most eligible students qualify for a partial sponsorship ($37/month), which covers half of the school tuition.  A few students qualify for full sponsorship ($74/month), which covers full tuition.   If you donate less than either of these amounts, you will be paired with other donors to helps sponsor a child.  Donations are tax-deductible.

How Long Is My Commitment?

We hope that you will make a long-term relationship with the child you sponsor.  You can of course cancel your sponsorship at any time, but we encourage you to sponsor your child throughout their time at Hands for Jesus Christian School (which goes to eleventh grade).

How Does a Sponsorship Work?

When you commit to sponsor a child, a child will be selected (based primarily on financial need) and you will receive details about that specific child.

Why Sponsor a Child?

Sponsorship is the most personal way to help a child in need.  With an English-based education in a Christian environment, a Honduran child has the chance to be lifted out of poverty for good.

How Do I Sign Up?

We are thankful that you are considering sponsoring one of our children.  Please click here to see all our options to sponsor child.