Latest Newsletter

¡Qué Pasa!

It has been awhile since our last newsletter (almost six months!), and sooooo much has happened since then.  There are some details below, but in a nutshell, we spent February in Honduras and returned to Honduras again in June.  We work a lot with the school and are witnessing some continuous blessings there.

All that we’ve got going on at the school is thanks to God working through kind donors and sponsors like you!  As always, we thank you from the bottom of our hearts.


Classroom Photos

It’s always wonderful to spend time with the students, teachers, and staff at Hands for Jesus Christian School.  We were able to take photos of each class, and printed them off and handed them out to each class.  Pictured here is one of the two Kindergarten classes.

Newsletter - Ms Nymphia Kindergarten

Science Lab

The school’s science lab continues to improve.  Since moving into their new room last year, the students have enjoyed a larger space with plenty more room to do their experiments and exhibits.  Much of the scientific equipment for the lab was provided by Hope & Help thanks to donations we received.

Teacher Incentive

In February, the school directors (Ms Telma and Ms Marilu) asked us to help them with incentives for their best teachers.  They wanted to recognize teachers who made extra efforts at school.  We were able to purchase and ship some gift bags filled with things a teacher may enjoy but are not as easy to come by in rural Honduras, along with a large throw pillow embroidered with an inspiring quote.

Newsletter - Teacher prize
Teacher recognition

Computer Lab

We continue to improve the computer lab at school.  Dust–which is a constant here–wreaks havoc on computers and other electronics.  We had tried covering the computers with plastic sheets, but they were too light.  The windows also allowed a lot of light into the room, sometimes making it hard to see the screens well.  Thanks to the Women’s Missionary Union at Meadow Brook Baptist Church, who donated heavy curtains and computer covers, the dust shouldn’t be a problem any longer.

Also, the school put in new ceiling in the computer lab and will have air conditioning installed soon.  This will put the final touches on the computer lab, which is very important for students these days.

Spelling Bee

All the classes from second grade up participated in the school Spelling Bee.  Tim was one of the judges.  All the students performed impressively!

Sponsored Children

We often post a photo of a sponsored student in our newsletters (although we might not identify them as sponsored).  However, we’ve never gotten all the sponsored children together at one time.  We tried to recently, and got most of them (dengue–a disease caused by mosquitoes–is rampant here right now).  What a great group of students and they are all able to attend Hands for Jesus school thanks to folks like you!

Closing Thoughts

It is truly a pleasure to work with the school, especially when we can spend time there serving.  We hope you enjoy hearing about all the great work that’s going on.  We continue to see the school improve and are happy that children are being given a chance to get a quality education in English in a Christian environment.    

As always, there are more children asking for admission than we have sponsors.  Please help us get the word out so we can positively impact more lives!  

Please keep the following in your prayers:

  • That God will use Hands for Jesus school as a beacon of light in the community, pointing people to God.
  • That whatever we accomplish will be for the glory of God.
  • That God will raise up disciples from the student body.