Hope and Help for Honduras, Inc., exists to provide preschool and primary education opportunities for children in Guaimaca, Honduras. We do this by helping fund a Christian-based, English-language school providing high-caliber education for students from preschool through eleventh grade, regardless of the parents’ ability to pay. The school we support is Hands for Jesus Christian School.
Why Honduras?
Honduras is one of the poorest countries in the Western Hemisphere. According to The World Bank, over half of the country lives in poverty, and 60% of rural area residents live in extreme poverty. Additionally, crime is a serious problem; Honduras has one of the highest murder rates in the world, and the highest level of income inequality in Latin America. Many disadvantaged families cannot afford to send their children to school (parents must bear the cost of mandatory school uniforms, textbooks, and supplies). Smaller towns and rural areas are hit even harder than the already-gloomy statistics imply.

Your Help Gives These Children Hope
The best chance at life that these children have is a solid Christian education. Learning about Christ can have everlasting impact. Learning English as a second language gives them a chance to step out of poverty. Please consider helping today by contributing to our non-profit organization.
Note: All officers and employees of Hope & Help for Honduras, Inc., are unpaid volunteers, ensuring your gift goes to where it’s truly needed!